ingest-config (1.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This service is used to register, configure, and trigger data ingestion into Model-Prime.
Lists all active data stores registered by your organization. Deprecated
This endpoint is deprecated. Please use /api/ingest/v2/stores
Lists all active data stores registered by your organization.
query Parameters
page_number | integer Default: 1 pagination page |
page_size | integer Default: 10 pagination page size |
show_deactivated | boolean |
Response samples
- 200
{- "count": 0,
- "items": [
- {
- "bucket": "modelprime.example.bucket",
- "cloud_account_id": "123456789000",
- "log_extension": ".yaml",
- "log_type": "ROS2Bag",
- "deactivated_at": "string",
- "id": "4a336fb5-8aa3-49c5-a6de-c01d2b45c3c3",
- "storage_kind": "AwsS3"
Registers a data store for automatic ingest. Deprecated
This endpoint is deprecated. Please use /api/ingest/v2/stores
Registers a data store so that any new robolog uploaded to the store will be ingested by Model-Prime.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Configuration parameters identifying the data store and the type of logs to be ingested.
bucket required | string |
cloud_account_id required | string |
log_extension required | string |
log_type required | string (LogType) Enum: "UNKNOWN" "ROS2Bag" "ROS2BagMCAP" "ROS1Bag" "InfluxDB" "ULOG" "JSON" |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "bucket": "modelprime.example.bucket",
- "cloud_account_id": "123456789000",
- "log_extension": ".yaml",
- "log_type": "ROS2Bag"
Response samples
- 200
{- "bucket": "modelprime.example.bucket",
- "cloud_account_id": "123456789000",
- "log_extension": ".yaml",
- "log_type": "ROS2Bag",
- "deactivated_at": "string",
- "id": "4a336fb5-8aa3-49c5-a6de-c01d2b45c3c3",
- "storage_kind": "AwsS3"
deactivates automatic ingestion for the given data-store Deprecated
This endpoint is deprecated. Please use /api/ingest/v2/stores/{id}
Deactivates automatic ingestion for the given data-store. This will prevent any new robologs uploaded to the store from being ingested by Model-Prime.
path Parameters
id required | string <uuid> The store ID uniquely identifying the resource. |
query Parameters
hard | boolean Default: false Set this to true to permanently delete the resource instead of deactivating it. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "bucket": "modelprime.example.bucket",
- "cloud_account_id": "123456789000",
- "log_extension": ".yaml",
- "log_type": "ROS2Bag",
- "deactivated_at": "string",
- "id": "4a336fb5-8aa3-49c5-a6de-c01d2b45c3c3",
- "storage_kind": "AwsS3"
Retrieves an active data-store Deprecated
This endpoint is deprecated. Please use /api/ingest/v2/stores/{id}
Retrieves the configuration details for the requested data-store.
path Parameters
id required | string <uuid> The store ID uniquely identifying the resource. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "bucket": "modelprime.example.bucket",
- "cloud_account_id": "123456789000",
- "log_extension": ".yaml",
- "log_type": "ROS2Bag",
- "deactivated_at": "string",
- "id": "4a336fb5-8aa3-49c5-a6de-c01d2b45c3c3",
- "storage_kind": "AwsS3"
Updates an existing and active data-store Deprecated
This endpoint is deprecated. Please use /api/ingest/v2/stores/{id}
Updates an existing and active data-store so that any new robolog uploaded to the store will be ingested by Model-Prime.
path Parameters
id required | string <uuid> The store ID uniquely identifying the resource. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
an object which contains the optional parameters which can be updated for this registered bucket. This includes the LogType (which is an enum) as well as the name of the bucket
bucket required | string |
cloud_account_id required | string |
log_extension required | string |
log_type required | string (LogType) Enum: "UNKNOWN" "ROS2Bag" "ROS2BagMCAP" "ROS1Bag" "InfluxDB" "ULOG" "JSON" |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "bucket": "modelprime.example.bucket",
- "cloud_account_id": "123456789000",
- "log_extension": ".yaml",
- "log_type": "ROS2Bag"
Response samples
- 200
{- "bucket": "modelprime.example.bucket",
- "cloud_account_id": "123456789000",
- "log_extension": ".yaml",
- "log_type": "ROS2Bag",
- "deactivated_at": "string",
- "id": "4a336fb5-8aa3-49c5-a6de-c01d2b45c3c3",
- "storage_kind": "AwsS3"
Triggers one-time ingestion of a robolog from the provided data Deprecated
This endpoint is deprecated. Please use /api/ingest/v2/trigger
This endpoint is used to trigger a one-time ingestion of a robolog from an s3 bucket.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The information needed in order to kick off an ingestion run. For manual runs, this likely includes the fully qualified location of the robolog to ingest, the type of robolog being ingested, and the data storage owner's cloud account identifier.
storage_principal is an internally used field and should not be supplied for user initiated ingest attempts
cloud_account_id | string CloudAccountID must be provided for all user initiated ingest attempts. It is the Account ID for your AWS account. |
location required | string <url> Location is the fully qualified url used to locate the robolog which should be ingested. It must always be provided. |
log_type | string (LogType) Enum: "UNKNOWN" "ROS2Bag" "ROS2BagMCAP" "ROS1Bag" "InfluxDB" "ULOG" "JSON" |
region | string The region, if applicable of the datastore where the robolog is located. When not provided, the region will be inferred, which may fail for small files. |
storage_principal | string StoragePrincipal is an internally used field and should remain omitted for all user initiated ingest attempts. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "cloud_account_id": "123456789000",
- "location": "s3://modelprime.example.bucket/path/to/rlog_metadata.yaml",
- "log_type": "ROS2Bag",
- "region": "us-east-1",
- "storage_principal": "string"
Response samples
- 200
{- "trace_id": "string"