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Interaction with rqt_bag fork

The rqt_bag fork provided by Model-Prime exposes the following ROS services that enable two-way communication between the rqt_bag fork and the rqt_metadata plugin to provide some convenient functionality when using both plugins together.


This allows the rqt_metadata plugin to find an associated robolog for a .bag file that is loaded in the rqt_bag fork if the .bag file was previously ingested. The service call is made by the rqt_metadata plugin when the Detect Robolog button is pressed and during automatic detection on rqt_metadata plugin startup.


This allows the rqt_metadata plugin to get the current playback time from the rqt_bag fork. The service call is made by the rqt_metadata plugin when the Use current playback time context menu option is pressed on an extrinsic metadata value's interval attribute cells (i.e. Time Start, Time Stop). It is also called when the Use Current Time button is pressed in the Add Metadata dialog window.


This allows the rqt_metadata plugin to set the current playback time in the rqt_bag fork. The service call is made by the rqt_metadata plugin when the Set current playback time context menu option is pressed on an extrinsic metadata value's interval attribute cells (i.e. Time Start, Time Stop).