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Getting started in the Analytics Platform

To investigate the cause of increasing optical encoder failures, you might look at environmental factors such as temperature, as temperature can affect these sensors. You can use Model-Prime's Analytics Platform to analyze the temperature data in the log that you found in the previous step using a Sagemaker Notebook.

  1. To access the tutorial notebook file, click on the Demo Notebook link in the left navigation menu and save the file locally.

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  1. Click on Analytics Platform in the left navigation menu. A Launch button should appear.

![Analytics Platform Nav]

  1. Click on the Launch button to launch SageMaker Studio.

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  1. To open the tutorial notebook, click on the file folder icon in the left navigation menu. Drag and drop the file you saved locally into the file directory. Double-click the file to open it in a notebook tab.

  2. If prompted to set up a notebook environment, accept the default values and click Select.

Set up a notebook environment

** You will complete this part of the tutorial in the Jupyter Notebook, which should have launched in a new tab. **