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Searching for logs

In this example scenario, your organization's robot operators and technicians have noticed in increase in optical encoder failures over time in the fleet and asked for help with investigating the root cause. They opened a ticket providing details on the robot requiring replacement.

Robot ID: ROBO3396
Date of failure: 09/03/2024
Date of replacement: 09/04/2024

You would like to analyze data from the last run of the robot before the failure.

To search for logs from that specific robot, begin by searching by Robot ID.

  1. Navigate to the Search page by clicking on Search in the left navigation menu.

Search Nav

  1. Click on the Comparative search tab.

Comparative Search

  1. In the Conditions section, click on the Select rule dropdown and select Robot ID.

  2. Select the Equal to condition and type or paste ROBO3396 into the filter value field.

  3. To narrow down the search to the date of failure, add a date rule. Click + Add rule.

Add Rule

  1. Click on theSelect Rule dropdown and select Start time.

  2. Select the Greater than condition and select 09/03/2024 in the date picker. It will default to 09/03/2024 12:00:00 AM.

  3. Click on the Search button. In the results pane below, you will see all of the logs generated by robot ROBO3396 on 09/03/2024 or later. You should see three logs.

NOTE: The ROBOLOG IDs you see will be different from the screenshots provided, as they are unique for your demo organization. However, the robolog names will be the same.

  1. Click on the log name /generated_20240903_190944.bag. This will take you to the Metadata Details page for that log.

Click on Log Name

  1. On the Metadata Details page, you can see the metadata attributes for the log, including the Model-Prime Robolog ID, Robolog URI, Duration, and channel information. You can also see the status of Model-Prime processes such as Metadata Ingestion, which populates the metadata attributes, and Introspective Ingestion, which prepares log message data for analysis.

Metadata Details

Now that you know what log you want to analyze, you can use the Robolog ID and a SageMaker Notebook to perform the analysis. Copy the Robolog ID so you can refer to it later in this tutorial.