Generating Log Videos
The Model-Prime platform also allows you to generate videos for your logs. You can define video generators, run tests on selected logs, run backfill on existing logs, and even run video generation on normfill.
In this section we will show you how to:
- Create a new draft version of a video generator
- Test the generator
- Play generated videos
Much like a tagger, a video generator can be invoked in one of three ways:
- By testing the generator.
- By invoking a generator backfill against a set of logs that have already been ingested into the Model-Prime platform, and
- By enabling video generation 'normfill' for all new logs that are ingested into the Model-Prime platform.
The steps to create a video generator are as follows:
- Defining gating criteria to specify which logs should be processed by the generator when normfill is enabled. This step is optional and can be skipped.
- Defining outputs: an output defines the source and characteristics of the video you are generating.
In this tutorial, you will create a video generator that creates videos for two logs, using the test flow.